Change & Technology

Change is the only constant

Yes, there is change, each and every human changes.

In physical, emotional, social aspects you evolve from the entity you lived till now.

I guess it’s the circumstances and situation you are trapped in, shows you what you are? And what you what you want to be?

When we see a more attractive or a physically appealing person. We develop the wish to be like him or her. Changing hairs styles, fashion sense or by makeup.

Someone said to me long back that it takes hell amount of effort for a person to change himself/herself. If he does that then it’s a sign of greatness. Changing oneself is easier said than done. Even if it may seem people do change over time, but in fact the changes are like the dew on the flowers and leaves. It blurs out their true self so as to protect the true self from revealing.

Things change, Situations change but hardly the people ever change. Even if People change, then it is not for the worse but for the better.

We need to accept people as they are, as they accept us as we are.


The question is, the laws or other regulations need time to enact and improve.

The more technology we have, the faster it can connect or build on previous technology, so it’s only going to happen faster and faster. Our challenge is to keep our ethical values abreast of our technical knowledge.

Barcodes have made product deliveries more timely, attractive & reduced the product costs highly. GS1 standards

GS1 Kenya focuses on sectors such as healthcare, Fresh food, transport and logistic. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, GS1Kenya has been quick to adapt and leverage emerging trends to address the evolving needs of businesses. GS1 has actively embraced these technologies and developed innovative solutions to optimize processes, enhance data accuracy, and ensure end-to-end traceability.

However, technology and change are not without their complexities. As new technologies emerge, organizations must navigate potential implementation hurdles, data privacy concerns, and the need for cross-industry collaboration. GS1Kenya recognizes these challenges and continues to provide guidance, education, and best practices to help businesses successfully navigate the evolving technological landscape

As we stand at the forefront of an era characterized by unprecedented technological progress, it is crucial to embrace change and harness the power of technology responsibly. We must navigate the complex ethical and societal implications that arise alongside innovation. By fostering inclusivity, ensuring data privacy, and bridging the digital divide, we can strive for a future where the benefits of technology are accessible to all.

Technology and change are intrinsically intertwined, shaping the world we live in and molding the course of our future. It is our collective responsibility to embrace technological advancements, adapt to the evolving landscape, and utilize technology as a force for positive transformation.

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