origin of QR codes

Origination of QR codes


Did you know that the two-dimensional matrix barcode or the QR code was invented in Japan by a development team led by Masahiro Hara for a company called Denso Wave? Hara is widely credited as the creator of the QR code and his team’s task was to create a barcode that could easily track automobiles and automobile parts during manufacturing but instead they invented the QR code. The QR labelling system was applied beyond the automobile industry due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard Universal Product Code (UPC) barcodes. Applications include product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management, and general marketing.

A QR code consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background, including some fiducial markers, which can be read by an imaging device such as a camera, and processed using Reed–Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. The required data is then extracted from patterns that are present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image and it works by encoding data in a machine-readable format. When you scan a QR code with your smartphone, the QR code app will decode the data and take you to the linked website, display the contact information, or let you make payments. With the rise of smart phone mobile use and as an aftereffect of a global pandemic, the use of QR codes has exploded in popularity. The main reason for this is the ease and simplicity of use that comes with it.



GS1’s first generation barcodes have been used on over 1 billion products and they contain a unique identifier known as the Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN). Thanks to GS1 standards, a simple scan connects each of these products to digital information that flows seamlessly across the supply chain. Now, 50 years after the first barcode was introduced, GS1 is launching two-dimensional (2D) barcodes capable of carrying additional data i.e., store images, website URLs, voice data, and other binary data types, that can be shared beyond the “beep” at the checkout.

Ways individuals and businesses can use QR codes

By incorporating them into their business cards. This allows people to scan the code and instantly add the business owner’s contact information to their phone. Likewise, a QR code on business cards can take people to a company’s website or contact page. This way, businesses can keep their cards simple, sleek, and innovative.

To track how effective companies marketing campaigns are, QR codes make it easy for customers to redeem coupons and businesses to track redemption rates. To use QR codes for coupons, businesses simply need to generate a unique code for each coupon and include it on the coupon itself. The customer can then scan the code with their phone to redeem the discount.

Supermarkets can also put QR codes on packaged food, allowing customers to get more information about the ingredients and recipes. The shopper merely has to hold their phone up to the QR code on the packaging, and they will be taken to a website or an app with more information. It is an excellent way for businesses to provide customers with more transparency about their food products. Plus, it is a helpful way for shoppers to learn more about what they’re buying and how to use it.

Getting customer insights is essential for every business since it helps assess customer satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement. Traditionally, customer surveys were paper-based and required customers to fill out a form and drop it in a box or mail it back. With the advent of QR codes, businesses can now create digital customer surveys that are easy to complete and don’t require any paper. You have to put a QR code on the receipt you give to the customer after a purchase.

Many restaurants switched to contactless menus during the pandemic to help reduce the spread of germs. Instead, customers can scan a QR code with their smartphone to view the menu, also an excellent way for them to keep their menus updated in real-time and avoid printing new menus every time there’s a change.

When fully embraced, QR codes can also be put on resumes whereby potential employers can scan the QR code and be taken to a website where they can learn more about the person’s qualifications and experience. This can be a great way to stand out in competition and make it easy for employers to learn more about you.

In a nutshell QR codes are developing at a relentless pace, offering a wide array of benefits across multiple industries. The smart technology trend has already become widespread, and shows no sign of abating.

Once again, I ask. When a QR code has every aspect captured, why would one desire a linear barcode?

shoe maker image


I just read this story and loved how ATTITUDE can change the lives of people and companies. Maybe this story will give you some stimulus too. 
At the beginning of the 20th century, an English shoe manufacturer was concerned about the drop in sales in England and decided to try to open new markets abroad. Its director called two of its salesmen and proposed they travel to Africa to promote trade and increase their sales.
Both salesmen left by boat for Africa with instructions to survey the market. Each of them would go to a different country to have two opinions about the potential of the African market.
Within days of arriving, the first salesman called the factory owner, informing him that after several days of visiting cities, he had concluded that the African potential for shoe sales was null. “Boss,” he said, “here they all go barefoot. No one wears shoes. We are not going to be able to sell a single pair of shoes.”
The next day the second salesman called. He was excited and eager to speak to his boss. “Boss,” he said. “It’s fantastic. No one here wears shoes. No one sells shoes. We are going to sell thousands of pairs…”
The boss became delighted, making him collect more stock. Now the business started, it attracted a lot of customers to buy shoes. They faced difficulties and problems in selling their products as a company communication breakdown, leading to price differences and left customers dissatisfied because of miscommunication portraying them as corn salesmen. Two, business losses led by poor organization and differences in shoe prices.

GS1 standards can provide a framework and solutions to improve these issues through improved communication, streamlined processes, and enhanced supply chain visibility
Communication breakdowns and miscommunication:
With GS1-compliant identification and communication methods, companies can accurately exchange product information with trading partners, reducing the likelihood of miscommunication or errors in pricing and product descriptions.
Price differences and customer dissatisfaction:
GS1 standards help establish a common language for product identification, allowing retailers and suppliers to accurately track and manage inventory. This reduces the chances of discrepancies in product pricing and ensures that the right products are available at the right prices in different sales channels. As a result, customers are less likely to encounter price differences or receive incorrect information, leading to increased satisfaction.
Business losses and poor organization:
GS1 standards promote efficient and standardized business processes, such as using Global Location Numbers (GLNs) to identify business locations and Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) to synchronize product data. By implementing these standards, companies can improve their supply chain visibility, optimize inventory management, and reduce operational inefficiencies. As a result, businesses are better organized, reducing the risk of losses due to inventory mismanagement and other operational issues.
Differences in shoe prices:
GS1 standards for product identification, such as GTINs, allow for unique product identification across the supply chain. This helps prevent confusion between similar products and ensures consistent pricing for specific shoe models, regardless of the sales channel. Retailers and manufacturers can use GTINs to accurately identify and price their products, avoiding discrepancies in shoe prices.
GS1 standards provide a comprehensive framework for product identification, data sharing, and supply chain management. By adopting GS1 standards, companies can enhance communication, reduce miscommunication, improve supply chain efficiency, and provide a better customer experience, ultimately leading to increased profitability and success.

life and technology

Life & Technology

Life today is filled with technology, from our phones to our homes and even our cars. We have become so dependent on technology that it is difficult to imagine life without it. What if life today was different? Life in our present time would be drastically different without the technology we know and love today. We would have to rely on more manual labor and less convenience. Instead of having our phones and computers to help us stay connected, we would have to rely on postal mail, phone calls, and face-to-face conversations. We wouldn’t be able to work from home or have access to the Internet. Without technology, our homes would look completely different. We would have to rely on manual labor and natural materials to build our homes rather than the prefabricated materials we use today. We would also have to rely on natural light rather than electricity. We would have to rely on manual labor to farm and create food instead of modern machinery. We would have to rely on natural resources to manufacture the things we need, such as clothes and furniture. Without the technology we know and love today, it would be turmoil for us. We would have to rely on more manual labor and natural lighting.

Give an article on life as it is
Life, as it is, is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is difficult to describe or define in a single article. However, I can provide some information on some aspects of life and what it entails.
One of the most fundamental characteristics of life is that it is a characteristic of organisms or living things. Organisms are coined of one or more cells and can carry out various functions necessary for their survival, such as growth, reproduction, and response to their environment.
Life is identified by chemical processes. All living things are made up of organic molecules, which are compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, and other elements. These molecules interact with one another in various ways to carry out the chemical reactions that are necessary for life. For example, the respiration process converts glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water, releasing energy that the organism can use.
Life also involves the ability to respond to the environment. Organisms have a range of sensory receptors that allow them to detect changes in their environment and can move and act in response to these changes which include simple reflexes, such as withdrawing from a painful stimulus, or more complex behaviors, such as foraging for food or avoiding predators.
Life is characterized by the ability to evolve. All living things are capable of reproducing and passing on their genetic information to their offspring. Over time, micro genetic variations can accumulate, leading to the development of new species. This process, known as evolution, has led to the diversity of life on Earth today.
In summary, life is a characteristic of organisms that are characterized by the ability to carry out functions necessary for survival, by chemical processes, the ability to respond to the environment, and the ability to evolve. It can be a joyful and fulfilling experience but may come with struggles, hardships, and sorrows.
Life, as it is, is a constantly changing and unpredictable journey filled with ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and moments of triumph and defeat. It is a unique experience for each individual, shaped by their beliefs, values, and experiences.
One of the most significant aspects of life, as it is, is the constant change and evolution. From the moment we are born, we are constantly in a state of growth and development. Our physical bodies change as we age, and our mental and emotional capacities evolve as we gain knowledge and experience. Life is also constantly changing concerning the people and situations we run to as we meet new people, form relationships, and experience different circumstances.
Another significant aspect of life as it is its unpredictability of it. We never know what will happen next, either bring exciting or daunting. Life can take us on unexpected journeys, whether positive or negative, and it is up to us to navigate them as best we can. We may plan and set goals for ourselves, but ultimately, life has its plans. We must learn to adapt and flow with them.
One of the aspects of life, as it is, is the inevitable pain and suffering that we will all experience at some point, which comes in many forms, whether it be the loss of a loved one, a chronic illness, or a difficult period in our lives. Life can be cruel and unforgiving, we face difficulties, but we can grow and learn the most about ourselves.
Despite the challenges and difficulties in life, as it is, can present, it is packed with moments of beauty, joy, and love. Life is a precious gift we should make the most of every moment, cherish the time with our loved ones, and embrace the beauty and wonder of the world around us.
In conclusion, life, as it is, is a complex and ever-changing journey filled with both good and bad, but ultimately it is up to us to make the most of it. We must learn to adapt to change, be open to new experiences, and appreciate the beauty and wonder of life, no matter what challenges we may face.
Life is a complex and ever-changing journey full of both joys and sorrows. It is a series of experiences, moments, and emotions that shape who we are and how we view the world around us.
For some, life is a beautiful and fulfilling journey. They may have a solid support system, a stable job, and a sense of purpose. They may find joy in their relationships, hobbies, and small moments of everyday life. They may look at life as a journey that is full of opportunities and possibilities, and they may feel grateful for the experiences that they have had.
For others, life can be a challenging journey. They may struggle with poverty, mental health issues, or relationship troubles. They may feel lost and alone and may not have a clear sense of purpose or direction. They may see life as a struggle and a test, and they may feel overwhelmed by the constant demands and pressures that come with it.
Whether we view life as a beautiful journey or a challenging test, one thing is clear; it is a journey full of surprises, twists, and turns. We can never know what will happen next, and we are often caught off guard by the unexpected events that come our way. Life can be unpredictable and uncertain, and we have to learn to adapt and roll with the punches.
In the end, life is what we make of it. We have the will to shape our experiences, find meaning and purpose in the journey, and make the most out of it. We can choose to find joy in the small things, to be grateful for what we have, and to make a positive impact on the world around us. We can agree to spot the beauty in life, embrace the unknown, and make the most of every moment. Life is what we make of it, and it is up to us to make it a journey worth taking.
Life can be a complex and ever-changing journey that can present a wide range of experiences, emotions, and challenges. It is a journey unique to each individual and set on by factors such as; genetics, upbringing, culture, and personal choices.
One of the most important aspects of life is the ability to adapt and change. Life is constantly in flux, adapting to new situations and changes to thrive. Whether it is a job change, a move to a new city, or a relationship change, adaptation is the key to a successful life.
Another aspect of life is the ability to find purpose and meaning. Many people find that having a sense of purpose or meaning in life can give them a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, this comes from having a career that is fulfilling, raising a family, or pursuing a passion. Finding purpose can give life direction and help people navigate through the challenges they face.
One of the most challenging aspects of life is dealing with difficult emotions. Emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear are a natural part of life, but they can also be overwhelming and hard to cope with. It is crucial to have healthy coping mechanisms as therapy, exercise, or journaling, to help deal with difficult emotions.
Life is also about the people we interact with. Human connections can be one of the most rewarding aspects of life, and having a support system of family and friends can be invaluable. Maintaining healthy relationships can be challenging but bring great joy and satisfaction.
Ultimately, life is a unique journey for each person and can be full of joy, challenge, and growth. It is up to each individual to make the most of their experiences and to find meaning and purpose in their journey. With the ability to adapt and cope with difficult emotions, and a support system, we can navigate the complexities of life and make the most we have.

Change & Technology

Change is the only constant

Yes, there is change, each and every human changes.

In physical, emotional, social aspects you evolve from the entity you lived till now.

I guess it’s the circumstances and situation you are trapped in, shows you what you are? And what you what you want to be?

When we see a more attractive or a physically appealing person. We develop the wish to be like him or her. Changing hairs styles, fashion sense or by makeup.

Someone said to me long back that it takes hell amount of effort for a person to change himself/herself. If he does that then it’s a sign of greatness. Changing oneself is easier said than done. Even if it may seem people do change over time, but in fact the changes are like the dew on the flowers and leaves. It blurs out their true self so as to protect the true self from revealing.

Things change, Situations change but hardly the people ever change. Even if People change, then it is not for the worse but for the better.

We need to accept people as they are, as they accept us as we are.


The question is, the laws or other regulations need time to enact and improve.

The more technology we have, the faster it can connect or build on previous technology, so it’s only going to happen faster and faster. Our challenge is to keep our ethical values abreast of our technical knowledge.

Barcodes have made product deliveries more timely, attractive & reduced the product costs highly. GS1 standards

GS1 Kenya focuses on sectors such as healthcare, Fresh food, transport and logistic. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, GS1Kenya has been quick to adapt and leverage emerging trends to address the evolving needs of businesses. GS1 has actively embraced these technologies and developed innovative solutions to optimize processes, enhance data accuracy, and ensure end-to-end traceability.

However, technology and change are not without their complexities. As new technologies emerge, organizations must navigate potential implementation hurdles, data privacy concerns, and the need for cross-industry collaboration. GS1Kenya recognizes these challenges and continues to provide guidance, education, and best practices to help businesses successfully navigate the evolving technological landscape

As we stand at the forefront of an era characterized by unprecedented technological progress, it is crucial to embrace change and harness the power of technology responsibly. We must navigate the complex ethical and societal implications that arise alongside innovation. By fostering inclusivity, ensuring data privacy, and bridging the digital divide, we can strive for a future where the benefits of technology are accessible to all.

Technology and change are intrinsically intertwined, shaping the world we live in and molding the course of our future. It is our collective responsibility to embrace technological advancements, adapt to the evolving landscape, and utilize technology as a force for positive transformation.



A sunrise is a daily event that marks the beginning of a new day. It occurs when the upper edge of the sun appears on the horizon, signaling the start of the morning. The actual moment of sunrise varies depending on one’s location and the time of year.

The scientific explanation for sunrise is the Earth is rotating on its axis, tilted at an angle of about 23.5 degrees. This tilt is responsible for the changing seasons and causes the sun to rise and set at a different viewpoint on the horizon throughout the year.

During the summer months, the tilt of the Earth’s axis points the northern hemisphere towards the sun, resulting in longer days and shorter nights. Conversely, during the winter season, the tilt is positioned to the Northern hemisphere of the sun, leading to shorter days and longer nights.

Sunrise is a beautiful natural phenomenon marked throughout human history. Many cultures and religions have rituals and ceremonies that mark the start of a new day. The rays of the sun are illustrated in art and literature and are a common subject for photography.

Watching sunrise has a positive impact on one’s mental and physical well-being. The natural light from the sun helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, which improves sleep and boosts mood. In addition, the peacefulness and serenity of a sunrise can promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

A sunrise is a daily event that marks the beginning of a new day caused by the rotation of the Earth on its tilted axis. This natural phenomenon has been renowned throughout history, resulting positively in mental and physical well-being either viewed from a mountaintop or the comfort of your own home. Taking the time to witness a sunrise can be a powerful and memorable experience.

The sunrise in Africa holds a deep meaning for many of the continent’s inhabitants, representing the start of a new day and the promise of new opportunities and experiences. For many African cultures, sunrise is a depiction of hope and renewal.

One of the most striking things about the sunrise in Africa is the vibrant colors in the sky. As the sun rises, the sky is painted in shades of pink, orange, and red, creating a stunning and awe-inspiring spectacle. For many Africans, the beauty of the sunrise serves as a reminder of the wonder and majesty of nature.

In addition to its beauty, the sunrise also holds spiritual significance for many African cultures. For some, the sun rising is a sign of the power of the Creator and the continuation of life. The start of a new day is a chance to relinquish the past and start anew. An idea shared across many cultures and religions.

Many African communities also believe that the sunrise is a time of increased spiritual energy and power. The early morning hours are for prayer and meditation, assuming that the spark of the rising sun can help to align the mind and spirit.

The sunrise also has practical significance for many Africans. For farmers and herders, the rising sun signals the start of a new day of work and the beginning of a new cycle of growth and harvest. For many people living in rural areas, the sun is essential for their livelihoods, as it is required for plants to grow and for animals to graze.

Overall, the sunrise in Africa holds a deep meaning for many of the continent’s inhabitants. It is not just a beautiful natural phenomenon but also a symbol of hope, renewal, spiritual power, and the continuation of life. It serves as a reminder of the wonders and majesty of nature by unveiling the importance of taking time to attach to the world around us.