

GIGANTOMASTIA/ BREAST HYPERTROPHY is a rare condition characterized by the development of extremely large breasts as a result of abnormal breast tissue growth on one or both breasts. The exact cause of gigantomastia is unknown, but the condition can occur at any time. There are various types, such as Juvenile, which occurs during puberty, Gestational, which occurs during pregnancy, and Drug-induced (or medication-induced), which occurs after taking certain drugs.

Without health, life is almost dead

Nothing can better describe the harrowing experience I endured for five years before my breast reduction surgery. My bushel and bubbles were a pain that couldn’t be permanently relieved with strong painkillers. Boobs Carriage; My chest and the rest of my body were doing their part to contribute to my reality of gigantomastia.

Take a seat back, and allow me to take you on my Gigantomastia journey……

I had Gestational, which was triggered by my pregnancy hormones and typically occurred during the first trimester. This is seen in only one out of every 100,000 pregnancies. I gave birth and was done with weaning, but it was clear that my bumble inches were not shrinking to their previous size; instead, we continued to bloom.

As a result of the constant pull, I developed neck, shoulder, back, and mastalgia (breast pain) pain.

Activities like daily bumpy matatu rides, bathing, cooking, carrying backpacks, bending, walking, running, and standing for long periods would result to me bawling my eyes out. I got addicted to taking pain reliving drugs which muffled my perception of pain and boosted a feeling of pleasure, creating a temporary but powerful sense of well-being. Day after day I had to wear three or four brassieres at a go which was a rewarding feeling for my bubbles but an agonizing feeling on my shoulders, not to mention the Johnny Bravo goggles.

Crossing the bridge

Africa as a continent, we are prevailing in terms of healthcare, but lack of awareness and detailed information results to most people to put up with the burden for eternity, not to mention stereotypes of being of the opinion that it isn’t an issue and if it is, don’t dare utter a word about breast reduction because you’ll be sneering at the Creator’s work of art, sounds bizarre right?

This was a painful journey, and it made me detest bubbles. I remember telling my doctors that I wanted all of it pulled out, and they all stared at me with disbelief, “you mean you just want a flat chest with nipples?” “Of course, you can keep the nipples as well”, that would be my snappy comeback. I wasn’t shy about vocalizing it, because why on earth would I desire to have an abusive affair with bubbles when I was the main champ?



Take charge, your health comes first

It took me five years of scheduling appointments with different healthcare facilities and doctors to share with them the same narrative. Only three out of all the doctors I visited accorded whatever medical condition I had with a name and gave their recommendations, while the others administered pain relievers. I went on a research spree to get the winds of facts about what it was and how to deal with it…

Amazing technology, Graceful care.

From the ordeal I went through I would recommend the use of GS1 standards in healthcare sectors from patients encounter at the reception in terms of patient data to clinics, and operating rooms, pharmacies, and so on this will ensure that the appropriate care is given to the appropriate patient, and medication errors will be reduced by 50%+1. Women should be encouraged to seek help and not be ashamed of their predicaments;

In a world of growing data, if all of our healthcare facilities fully embrace GS1 standards, we will have a common language through which important information will be accessible. GS1 standards accurately identify, capture, and share information accurately.

Cosmetic surgery is expensive, for most folks’ health insurance does not cover for the medical bills, but be assured that breast reduction services are available in most of our private and public healthcare facilities. Every surgery carries the risk of complications. However, in this case, it is minor; to ensure 99.9% patient safety

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