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Story of an SME

Introduce yourself and tell us what your company does and how long you’ve been in operation.

My name is Clinton Kepha Wanywa, and my company is Attenis enterprise, we produce roasted groundnuts, sugarcoated sesame and Popcorns and we have been in existence for a period of almost three years now.

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How did the idea of groundnuts processing business come about?

The issue of unemployment has been on the rise among the youths of this our great Nation, and our President, His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, who has urged the youths to get into business through SME’s in order to create jobs opportunity by creating youth development fund to better our lives, other people’s life’s and in so doing our economy will grow, and that’s what motivated me in starting a business of production of roasted groundnuts, sugarcoated sesame and popcorns.

How long have you been a GS1 member?

I have been a member of this great institution for a period of three years now.

What are the benefits that you have realized in using the GS1 standards?

In the first place, I didn’t know what GS1 was all about until I saw an advert running on one of the leading media houses. So, when I registered my company in order to start a business, I thought of the advertisement I saw previously and that’s where my journey begun on where and how can I locate GS1, for I knew it was the remedy or solution to my business to be successful. Talking of benefit, I have realized in using GS1, I can say that they are many. Just to name a few, GS1 has enable me to sell my goods using barcodes, apart from using barcodes, GS1 has given me an opportunity and a platform to show case my products internationally.

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Recently I was chosen to be among the few business entrepreneurs (SME’s) to take their products in a forum in Brussels, Belgium. In other words, I can say that GS1 is a body that promote SME’s to realize their dream of establishing business and in so doing, they help you market your products

What are the challenges Small Medium Enterprises face?

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?One of the most satisfying things in my business is when I just think it’s not going to work out and I want to give up… I feel a deep drive to try one last thing and am sure it is going to work. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but that feeling of motivation to save my business or grow it to the next level is deeply enjoyable.

What motivates you?

Wealth, paying off my debts, and living luxuriously life.

Driven by the desire to solve common problems and improving the lives of others that are less fortunate in the society.

Building a legacy, I can pass down to my children, and also starting a business to support or honor my family in some way.Being afraid of what may happen if I don’t start a business and become successful.

family in some way.Being afraid of what may happen if I don’t start a business and become successful.

The love for what I do has given me the fight and strong will to be able to work through the challenges.I can say that I have learned to thrive on through challenges, and I have purposefully taken an initiative that will stretch me and provide learning opportunities.

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

It’s an opportunity to bring my creativity and insight to my business. Calling my own shots and realizing that it is all up to me. I think being an entrepreneur is an opportunity to learn and show case every day your potentiality of doing something productive that is profitable and Self-Actualization.

Learning the limits of what I can and can’t do. Nothing like jumping in the deep, so the best thing about having an entrepreneurial job is that it lets me be who I truly am and learning by pushing boundaries until something pushes back.

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How do you define success?

To me, success means creating a business that empowers customers, employees, and community in equal measure. Attenis enterprise as an SME want to add positive value to people’s lives, from a personal and professional standpoint, therefore success depends a lot on how effectively we can handle stress and meet the challenges that are bound to come by.

What piece of advice would you give to anyone who wants to venture into business?

I would want to tell those that aspire to start any business, that they should ensure that they’re clear on what it is they want to create and let other like-minded people know so that they can gain some conducive factors that will enable a smooth take off in their business, which is important to keep them focused.

That’s why it’s important to speak to other people who have started or are running their own businesses as we in Attenis did. Find a mentor, a business coach, or a mastermind for entrepreneurs which I strongly believe that GS1 has done it very well. They will be able to help you with the parts of a business you’re not aware of like marketing your products through newly developed platform called Thamani Online.

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